A space just for you

Try e-counselling with a certified therapist. Experience respectful and empathetic listening and the individual approach of our licenced professionals.

Anonymously. Anywhere, anytime.

Each employee can use sezení s terapeutem příspěvkem od MoroSystems získáte na tomto odkazu

Terap.io + Morosystems = ♥️

How can we help?

  • Burnout and (de)motivation
  • Relationships
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depressions
  • Career, work, studies
  • Addictions
  • Difficult life situations
  • Personal growth
  • You don't need to know upfront what you want to talk about. Use this time for yourself to check in on your mental health.

First session

  • Join from home or any other place where you are comfortable.
  • Choose between videocall, audiocall or chat.
  • Get to know your therapist and discuss the main topics you would like to focus on.
  • You can write notes from the session directly in the app.
  • Want to know more? Read about How to prepare for online therapy on our blog (in 🇨🇿).

Long-term benefits

  • Safe space to share your thoughts
  • Get to know yourself
  • Personal growth and development
  • Learn to understand your emotions
  • Get a fresh perspective on your problems
  • Learn to process stressful events
  • Open and authentic environment
  • Read about The 6 ways therapy can make your life better on our blog (in 🇨🇿).

More than 90 verified therapists

You don't have to wait weeks for an available date. Choose according to your time possibilities and book a session with your therapist right away.

Kristýna Dvořáčková

Kristýna Dvořáčková


"Therapy is about change - and change is always possible."

Jan Vávra

Jan Vávra


"I don't need to understand why something happens, but rather what I can do about it."

Martina Černá

Martina Černá


"It is always possible to change our perspective towards our life obstacles."

Choose from a portfolio or have the right one (therapist) recommended for you based on a simple questionnaire.

How to redeem therapy from Morosystems?


1) Redeem your code

On the Redeem code site, enter your code and sign up with your work e-mail.


2) Choose a therapist and book a session

After logging into your profile, you choose your therapist (a short questionnaire will help you to do this) and book a session with them at a time that suits you best.


3) Your first therapy is waiting for you

At the agreed time, you can start the session from your profile via video call, audio call or chat. You can test the microphone and camera before each video call.


4) Path to the next session

To book another session, go back to Redeem code, enter the same code again and your profile will show another free session. You can also book your therapist on your profile for standard prices.

What interests you the most?

How many times can I use this benefit? Can I continue using it after the first session?

Absolutely. Therapy is most effective in the long-term.

Zaměstnanci MoroSystems mají možnost příspěvku na sezení s psychoterapeutem.
Zvýhodněný poukaz najdete na 
speciálním odkazu . Můžete zakoupit poukaz na 1 sezení s příspěvkem 50 % od zaměstnavatele . Následně na stránce  Uplatnit poukaz zadáte kód ze zakoupeného poukazu a přihlásíte se. Tím se sezení se připíšou do Vašeho profilu.

You can continue the therapy at your own expense according to the standard Terap.io Price list. It is also possible to pay for the therapy with the Edenred Benefits Card or to use a contribution from the VZP insurance company.

Is it safe? Can anyone find out I went to therapy?

Nobody will know unless you decide to tell them.

The safety of your data is a priority for us. We will never share them with any third parties, including your employer. Each therapist is bound by the European Code of Ethics for Psychotherapists, so they can not tell anyone anything about your session, not even anonymnously, without your consent. Everything you need to know about Processing of personal data can be found here.

What is online therapy and how it is different from face-to-face therapy?

Online therapy takes place in a private virtual room via the internet. The only difference is that you will not meet your therapist in person in their office but you can join the session from any place that is comfortable for you.

It doesn't have to be at home, you can join from almost anywhere, all you need is stable internet connection, privacy and peace, at least until the session is over. What are the best locations for my online therapy session?

Studies have been published worldwide comparing the effects of conventional face-to-face and online therapy. The conclusions of these studies agree that online therapy is an equivalent alternative to conventional therapy. For most study participants, none of the dimensions or layers covered by the standard sessions were lost.

If you would like to know more, one of the professional articles dealing with this topic is "What follows from the studies of effectiveness of on-line psychotherapy?"

What if the therapist is not the right one for me?

This can happen, of course, and it's no one's fault. If such a situation occurs, we will be happy to help you find another of our therapists who will suit you better and meet your needs.

You can change the therapist yourself, as long as you have not purchased or booked any session or redeemed any coupon with the existing therapist. To do this, click on the Change therapist button in your profile. Before doing so, consider consulting with your current therapist. We recommend changing the therapist only if you do not find any other solution with the current one.

What topics or troubles can I address in therapy?

You can discuss anything with your therapist. Relationships, work related topics, health problems or addictions. Complex life situations accompanied by worries and anxieties are a frequent topic. Therapy is also sought after by people who can't handle unpleasant moods or emotions. Talking to an expert can help you with burnout, depression, but even seemingly ordinary situations or topics that you'd like to begin to understand or experience differently.

Can I cancel a session if I am no longer interested in it or can't attend it?

Yes, in case you will not be able to attend the meeting, you have the opportunity to change the date of the meeting 48 hours in advance. You can do this twice, but the third date and time is already binding and cannot be changed.You can cancel the reservation after logging into your account by tapping the Cancel session button. Please type the reason for calceling the session for the therapist.

I have another question…?

Check out our FAQs to see if you can find yours. If not, you can always find us on info@terap.io.

More on mental health


Lada Brůnová invites famous personalities to the Terap.io podcast to talk openly about mental health problems and therapy.

Terap.io blog

Interviews and articles, tips and advice on well-being and psychology, stories about experiences with psychotherapy and much more.

Terap.io on the web

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